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The Commonwealth of Massachusetts classifies Sex Offenders according to the degree of their dangerousness they pose to the public and their likelihood of re-offending and risk of danger. Sex Offenders are classified in three categories and they are as follows: 

Level I or “Low Risk” offender
Level II or “Moderate Risk” offender
Level III or “High Risk” offender

The Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB) is the state agency responsible for keeping track of convicted sex offenders and classifying each offender so that the public may receive information about dangerous sex offenders who live or work in our communities.

The public can only access Level 2 offender data on the internet for sex offenders classified after July 12, 2013. Complete Level 2 offender data including those classified prior to July 12, 2013 is accessible through police departments and by named individual SORI requests through the Sex Offender Registry Board.

Information about Level 3 offenders is publicly available. You can get this information through local police departments and through the online registry.

Click here for the Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry

Currently in the Town of Southwick there are: 

Sex Offender Level Current # of Offenders
Level I *The public cannot access information
regarding Level I offenders
Level II 7
Level III 2 – Click to view the Level III Sex Offenders

Who has to register as a sex offender:

If you are a sex offender, you must register with the Massachusetts registry if you live, work, or attend school in Massachusetts. You must also register any time your personal or contact information changes.

If you are a sex offender in Massachusetts, you must register with the Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry. You must also update your information in the registry if you:

  • have any secondary addresses in Massachusetts
  • are moving to Massachusetts
  • become homeless
  • are working in Massachusetts
  • live out of state, but attend school in Massachusetts
Sex offenders with secondary addresses:

When registering with the Sex Offender Registry, you must include your address. You must also include any secondary addresses you have in Massachusetts.

A secondary address:

  • is anywhere you live or stay for at least 14 days during the year
  • is anywhere you live or stay for at least 4 days in a month
  • is not your primary address
  • includes out-of-state addresses

If your primary address is not in Massachusetts, but you have a secondary address here, you must still register that address.

Sex offenders working in Massachusetts:

If you are a sex offender living in another state but working in Massachusetts, you must:

  • Register as a sex offender in Massachusetts within 2 days of starting your job.
  • Register your work address within 10 days of starting your job.

If you change jobs in Massachusetts, you must:

  • Register your new work address within 10 days of starting your new job.
Out of state sex offenders attending Massachusetts schools:

If you are a sex offender living in another state but going to school in Massachusetts, you must:

  • Register as a sex offender in Massachusetts within 10 days of starting school.\
Penalties for failing to comply:

You will be prosecuted if you are a sex offender who knowingly:

  • Does not register
  • Does not verify your registration information
  • Does not update any changes in your address, work, or school
  • Gives false information
Punishments for first-time violations include
  • Between 6 months and 2.5 years in a house of correction
  • Maximum of 5 years in state prison, a maximum fine of $1,000, or both
Punishment for repeat violations include:
  • Minimum of 5 years in state prison

For more Sex Offender Information Click Here<