
Domestic Violence Programs for Survivors

Domestic violence programs for survivors. If you are a victim of abuse, you are not alone. Here you’ll find resources from around the Commonwealth to help you.

  1. YWCA ARCH (Abuse & Rape Crisis Hotline), Springfield: 413-733-7100
  2. Women’s Shelter/Companeras, Holyoke: 413-536-1628
  3. Safe Passage, Northampton: 413-586-5066
  4. The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
  5. Department of Children and Families: 800-792-5200
  6. SafeLink: 877-785-2020 
  7. Dr. Richard Zalowski, Clinical & Support Options, 130 Maple Street, Springfield: 413-737-9544

The Council is chaired by Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito and puts forth recommendations to advise the Governor on how to help individuals, children, and families of the Commonwealth live a life free of sexual assault and domestic violence.

The Council’s goals are to improve prevention for all, enhance support for those impacted by sexual assault and domestic violence, and hold perpetrators accountable. The Council identified five priority areas and created accompanying subcommittees—Veterans, Military, and Families; Assessment and Response; Housing Stability and Self-Sufficiency; Human Trafficking; and Prevention and Education. The subcommittees review existing laws and programs and provide recommendations for improvement. The Council was reaffirmed and reconstituted by Executive Order no. 586.

For an emergency or if you need immediate help:  Call the Safelink Hotline at 877-785-2020 (Advocates available in Portuguese, Spanish and Creole, as well as access to a language line with up to 130 languages)

Governor’s Council to Address Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

Rape Crisis Centers

Location and contact information for Rape Crisis Centers across Massachusetts.

This page has information to help you contact any of the Rape Crisis Centers in our state. These Rape Crisis Centers offer FREE services for adolescent and adult sexual assault survivors – and for people who care about survivors of all ages. Trained rape crisis counselors at local programs:

  • Provide 24/7 hotline counseling, information, and referral
  • Will go with survivors to hospitals and/or police stations 24/7
  • Will go with a survivor to court
  • Provide one-to-one counseling and support group counseling
  • Provide primary prevention education; professional training; outreach

If you click on one of the regions listed below, you can find a Rape Crisis Center near you. Each Center has a TTY line for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing. There is also information on Llámanos, a Spanish-language helpline.

If you double-click on a program name that is underlined, you can link to the program’s website.

Click Here for Rape Crisis Centers

If you are in need of immediate assistance, Dial 911